5 Android Apps for Indie Publishers

Inspiration can strike anywhere and anytime for a writer. So I look for ways to take my work with me. I also look for ways to work more productively given that I balance writing books, publishing dozens of websites and blogs, and writing for clients. Lately my best tool on both of these fronts has been my Android phone.

You can find a wide variety of Android apps for writers these days, including several that allow you to write on-the-go and be more productive about planning and writing your books. Today let's look at some of these apps.

  1. Catch Notes -- Catch Notes is a great app for organizing your ideas. You might use it to jot down story ideas. You could use it to save bits of conversations you overhear to inspire dialogue. Or you might use it to store change notes during the editing process.
  2. Cardboard Index Cards -- Plot your story on your Android device using this index card app. There's even an add-on for the app specifically for laying out novels. I used the index card method for outlining my nonfiction manuscript, and I would definitely consider using this app to do the same in the future. It would be much easier to shuffle cards around and keep my notes with me at all times.
  3. Writer -- This app is a simple distraction-free word processing app. You get the benefit of full-screen writing capability with the formatting options of a traditional word processor.
  4. Lists for Writers -- This is the only premium app on this list, and it's one of my favorites. It's the ultimate writer's block beater. Need character name ideas? Clothing descriptions? Character traits? Plot ideas? The perfect action verb? There's a list for that.
  5. Swype -- I consider Swype a must-have if you'll be doing any writing on your phone. It's a voice-to-text app, and the best I've come across. It's from Nuance -- the company behind Dragon, Naturally Speaking. Use Swype with your favorite Android word processor to take notes, write scenes on the road, or keep in touch with interview sources.

Interested in other options? Check out my picks for the best Android apps for writers and bloggers over at All Freelance Writing. Have a favorite app of your own that might benefit other indie authors and publishers? Share it in the comments.

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9 thoughts on “5 Android Apps for Indie Publishers”

  1. Good list, Jenn. I have been trying Swype on your recommendation and I love it. I even downloaded the beta so I could get Dragon voice recognition – that might actually make it useful for working with Writer. 🙂

    • Good addition. I had that one included on my larger list for freelancers and bloggers (different blog), because I like using it for quick scans for clients (like a signed doc). But I can see it being great for quickly saving research materials at a library too. Do you use it in another way as an author?


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